Practice Videos

Some strumming videos....

How to Choose A Strum

4 Basic Strums

4/4 Time Strums

3/4 Time Strums

Finger Picking

Travis Pick 

 Travis Pick #2 Variation

Right Hand Dynamics - from Beginner to Advanced

Here are some great resources on finger picking that Lana has curated:
A decent article on learning the technique

Learning fingerpicking ukulele:

I like the progression that Guido follows-- one of my favourite teachers on the net

This is the guy who wrote Ukulele for Dummies

Mike Lynch is always good to watch and learn from-- I might start here---

There are others-- Stuart Fuchs, Aaron Kiem etc.  I have Aaron Keim's book that I will bring next Wednesday for anyone to borrow.

Once you get used to the Travis Pick, you can go to other patterns-- the one that is quite common is the "every other" pattern 4-2-3-1-4-2-3-1

Another is "outside-inside" 4-1-3-2-4-1-3-2

For Hallelujah I use  4-3-2-1-2-3-- the 4 is the beginning of the next measure

After you learn the basics of hand position and different patterns it's practice, practice, practice

Uke can do it!!

- Lana

Song Tutorials

Someone To Lava

Stand by Me with Island Strum


tutorial with Cynthia LIN