Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Marge, Cathy, Louise, Lana, Barry, Ryan, Lori, Tom, Linda plus three guests attended.

Another great Wednesday evening with several guest performers.  Sorry I don't know the names of the three people that Lori introduced us to, but Ryan, Barry's grandson, played along-- loved Lynn's banjo uke.

We played two new songs.  I have updated the drive with Blue Eyes Cryin' in the Rain in the key of G and the new songs On top of Spaghetti and Relax Your Mind
Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Lynn, Louise, Linda, Lana, Lorna and Marge played a number of the old favourites along with newer songs like Purple Scarlet RobeGhost Riders in the Sky and The Old Log Train.  There were several songs chosen because we were thinking of Zenith and her early return to the group-- enjoy!

- Lana

Please note that Lana fixed up Dream a Little Dream of Me and uploaded it and Wait So Long to the drive.  I have also added them to the blog. - H

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Thelma, Lorna, Lynn, Barry, Linda and Lana attended.  

Some of the songs we revisited were Flowers on the Wall, Song for a Winters Night, This Train, Ballad of Buster Scruggs, Where Have All the Flowers Gone aka Soldier song (ask orca), Leaving on a Jet Plane, I'll See You in my Dreams, Moon River, Love Potion #9, Save the Last Dance for Me, Unchained Melody. We did struggle at times without our Leader-- Louise, but we had a few laughs as well.

- Lana

Here are some great resources on finger picking from Lana: - H

A decent article on learning the technique

Learning fingerpicking ukulele:

I like the progression that Guido follows-- one of my favourite teachers on the net

This is the guy who wrote Ukulele for Dummies

Mike Lynch is always good to watch and learn from-- I might start here---

There are others-- Stuart Fuchs, Aaron Kiem etc.  I have Aaron Keim's book that I will bring next Wednesday for anyone to borrow.

Once you get used to the Travis Pick, you can go to other patterns-- the one that is quite common is the "every other" pattern 4-2-3-1-4-2-3-1

Another is "outside-inside" 4-1-3-2-4-1-3-2

For Hallelujah I use  4-3-2-1-2-3-- the 4 is the beginning of the next measure

After you learn the basics of hand position and different patterns it's practice, practice, practice

Uke can do it!!

- Lana

Note: I have added The Old Log Train to the blog. I have also added Lana's links to finger picking advice to our Practice Videos page. You can find the link on the sidebar. - Heather