Wednesday March 9, 2016 

Thank you for an enjoyable evening once again.

In addition to playing some of our regular pieces  such as Unclouded Day we paid some extra attention to Wagon Wheel a song we are considering playing for the Tempo Festival. Our potential performance time and date will be the evening of Tuesday, April 12 at the United Church unless renovations aren't complete and then it will be at the Anglican Church. I will try and confirm the date and time by next week.

We tried some pieces from the Vancouver Ukulele Circle songbooks (the books the Ukulele Club of Winnipeg also use for their twice monthly strums) including Sea of Love and Octopus's Garden.

Thank you to Louise who hosted Lynn, Lorna and myself last Friday evening in a kitchen ukulele sing along. It was a lot of fun.

The next meetup will be Wednesday,March 16, upstairs in the Golden Prairie Arts Council building.

- H, not one of the L's or the K who attend our meetups :)

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